3 Tips To Help You Start Your Online Course

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Whether this is a solution to maintain contact with your clients or something you are implementing as an additional income source, here are three things to consider as you start planning your online course:

1 - Know your outcome before you start.

  • What is your ultimate goal or outcome for users?

  • What exactly does your audience need to know? Can you give them plenty of information without overwhelming them?

  • How long will the process take from start to finish?

2 - Know your audience!

  • What does your target audience need? Do NOT focus on what do you want to tell them. Look at it from a users perspective.

  • How do they best consume information? You’ll want to include a mix of video, audio, and written workbooks and resources.

  • How do you want to present yourself to them? I.e. suited and booted, relaxed, office, outside, etc.

3 - Choose your platform wisely

There are a number of online platforms that offer online course capabilities. Here are a few considerations (note that this list is not exhaustive):

  • What are the caveats? Do you get a certain number of users free, then prices increase? Are there hidden fees or purchases necessary for the platform and look you desire?

  • Does it allow you to scale (add more modules once your course is live, allow guest speakers, link to other platforms, grow user base, etc.)?

Remember - you need to be in the head of your ideal client when planning out your course. What is that they need? How will this course transform them?

Consider the fact that while this may be second nature to you, this may be your end user’s first exposure to this information. So, be clear and concise, and don’t overwhelm them with information. There is always the opportunity for them to come back for more and continue working with you!

Here are some common questions that come up when people are considering an online course . Hopefully this answers some that you have already come up with!

How much does it cost to have your own online course?

Unfortunately there is no straight answer for this. It very much depends on the platform you use and the capabilities you require. Teachable has an initial package of $27 a month, which provides the platform and unlimited number of students, payment processes etc. but allows for very little customization. Kajabi has a higher starting rate of around $150 per month, but it provides more all-in-one solutions like landing pages and email automation.

These are just a few options. There are hundreds out there, so it is important you do your research and understand how much additional work you may be required to put in. 

How long should my course be?

How long is a piece of string?! 

Again, no right or wrong answer here but consider these: the outcomes, the time commitment you are asking of people, your business goals, and your audience’s ability to commit. A 12-week program is a great starting point and is a decent chunk of time to ensure people get value and learn from you without getting bored or losing their way.

What should I charge people?

Your time and effort are valuable. To figure out what to charge, you need to consider:

  • Duration of the program

  • Your current hourly rate (if you have one)

  • Does the offer include some of your time, or is it set and forget?

  • The value you are providing

  • Industry standards

  • Competitor pricing

What if there is already someone offering what I do?


If every successful business thought that, would we have Coke and Pepsi? Nike and Adidas? Apple and Samsung? The list goes on.

The one thing that your competition doesn’t have? YOU!!! 

An online course is the perfect way to let your personality and your authentic self shine through. And that is why people will love you and buy from you!

Hopefully these 3 tips and other suggestions are enough to light a fire in you and get you started on your journey. Online course creation can mean more revenue and more time back in your business and your life!

Happy creating!


Gems is a Business Consultant who specializes in the creation of online courses, as well as providing 1-1 business coaching to solo entrepreneurs, focus on business growth by working on mindset strategies, and the implementation of additional revenue streams. 

With a Masters in Global Management and a 15-year career in Project Management, Gems started her own business when she married a US serviceman and her career trajectory changed. Now, she is able to combine her love for coaching and online course creation with her expertise in Project Management, to help others grow their businesses.