To TikTok or Not?

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Another social media platform is quickly rising to the top of the ranks for business owners: TikTok. 

Originally a place to share short videos set to music and populated by the Gen Z crowd, TikTok has evolved quickly since its launch in 2016. It now hosts a surprising 19.4 percent of users aged 40-50+. TikTok has been on the radar of digital marketer and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk for years as a potential platform for business.

TikTok is following the trend that Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have. Once being known as “fads” for a younger generation, these are now a serious part of digital marketing. Several brands have already jumped ahead of the trend and joined TikTok to take advantage of the 800 million users worldwide, particularly its younger demographic. Chipotle, The Washington Post, and Guess are just a few brands that have been using TikTok for marketing. 

These companies are using the platform to create campaigns that engage their audiences, build trust, and show authenticity. They recognize the importance of user-generated content. User-generated content or UGC is content that has been created and published by unpaid fans-basically, digital referrals. UGC on TikTok takes the form of challenges that ask followers to use a hashtag to share the challenge and share fan-made videos highlighting the brand. 

Doing Business on TikTok

TikTok recently added the ability to include links and commerce URLs in profiles and videos. The organic reach on the platform is enormous, and now you can also drive meaningful traffic to your website.

Some of the features and statistics that make TikTok appealing to businesses:

  • TikTok has the highest follower engagement rates across 100,000 user profiles sampled from Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok in an online research project conducted by Influencer Marketing Hub

  • TikTok has loyal users that visit the app multiple times a day.

  • It had 113 million downloads in February 2020 alone.

  • It was utilized by 8.2 million women and 6.1 million men in the US alone, making women a higher target demographic.

  • Users age with the app.

  • Modifications have recently been made to accommodate businesses such as paid ads and a “Shop Now” button.

Short-form video is proving a popular way for followers to consume content across platforms. If you can create content that appeals to the demographic on TikTok, it could prove to be a pivotal marketing tool for your business.  

Use Caution with TikTok as a Military Spouse 

Unfortunately, if you happen to be a military spouse wanting to take advantage of this not yet saturated platform, there is a snag. The military and other government agencies have banned TikTok from being used on government-issued phones and warned their members to be cautious when using the app on their personal devices as well. This action comes in light of suspicions that the Chinese developed app could be a security risk. Investigations are ongoing, but you can learn more about this in these articles: 

Army Follows Pentagon Guidance, Bans Chinese-Owned TikTok App.

US government agencies are banning TikTok, the social media app teens are obsessed with, over cybersecurity fears.

Just like every social media application, internet site, or any public situation where information has the potential to be used against the service or our government, measures must be taken to minimize risks. As spouses, we should be familiar with OPSEC measures and use our best judgment when posting pictures, blogs, or articles. Social media platforms should be no different. 

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Meet Christinna- Christinna Kitchaiya is the founder of  Bad Ass Military Moms. Having been a military wife for 18 years, and a mother for 14 years, she has been through the ups and downs and has found her passion in creating a community for others to share their stories.