To build a community, it’s absolutely necessary to be your authentic and true self to build a trustworthy and sustainable community that will believe in you and your business.
I’ve been asked a few times how I’m building an online community around my business, and the answer is this- communication, authenticity, and relationships.
Whether you’re a soccer coach, a realtor, or a photographer-regardless of the field you’re in-building an online presence has to do with trust. Ask yourself what you would look for in order to join a business-related community or any community.
When I first decided to create my Facebook group alongside my blog, I knew that if it were me, I would want to follow someone who I could resonate with. I tried to relate to what that person was “selling.” I knew that bringing my real self onto the screen was what people needed and wanted to see. Whether it was behind a computer or in a video, I needed to show that I was not perfect and that I indeed have flaws and that I, too, was a little afraid of what was to come.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, we as a nation have been drawn to others who make us feel safe, both virtually and face-to-face, even if it is 6 feet apart. Building a community around your business shouldn’t just be about “selling” your product or service. It should also be about bringing people together that believe in your mission. How do you do that? Are you thanking your followers for being on this mission with you? Are you showing how passionate you are about what you do? Be involved and engage in that community that you are building and tell them/show them your “why.”
Two of the things that I’ve found to be very effective, and got me to move outside of my comfort zone to build my community, were live videos and consistency.
Your community needs to hear from you consistently and more than just behind the keyboard. Seeing a real person whom they can relate to is critical. Being stuck inside our homes trying to stay safe and healthy has people marinating in fear. Why not do a live video chat and get them engaged? Show your community how you are coping and some tips and tricks to get them motivated to start a new hobby or read a new book. Treat your community like you would your family. How can you help them during this time of need? What things are you doing to help keep calm? Bring on a guest to help with those parents who are now homeschooling and have never done that before.
There are many ideas and ways to stay connected and build a community that tailors around your business. Remember to be authentic, engage, and be consistent
About Annette: Annette is a military spouse of over 21 years, mother to two teenagers (college sophomore and high school Junior) and veteran who served in the Army. Since her retirement she launched her blog A Wild Ride Called Life™, LLC and podcast “The Truths We Hide” in which not only does she share her story, but she also has guests who share theirs and offers advice to others to help them know that they are not alone.